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Why outreach?

Outreach is one of the most effective tools we can use to put our convictions into action. In spreading the pro-life message, students live out their beliefs in bold and sacrificial ways. These tools will help you articulate your defense eloquently and compassionately, so you can change hearts and protect life.


We'll mail you what you need or personally deliver it to campus. For any outreach idea outside this list, use the filter to decide whether it's a good idea!

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Tabling displays


Right or Wrong? 

Draw people into dialogue by giving them the opportunity to vote on whether they think abortion is right, wrong, or somewhere in the middle. 


Right or Wrong? 

Should Abortion Remain Legal?

Should abortion remain legal? Allow students to answer this question and open the floor for effective dialogue with this simple tabling display.

Abortion: Reproductive Right or Human Injustice?

Encourage effective dialogue by giving people the opportunity to vote on whether abortion is a reproductive right or human injustice with this fun, descriptive, and colorful display.

Abortion: Reproductive Right or Human Injustice?

Project Rosie

Educate students on the local resources available to help support pregnant women on campus.

When do 
Human Rights Begin?

Many people are confused about what point human life begins. Walk students through the different stages of fetal development to help provide clarity on when life begins.

Live Action Videos

Most students aren't aware of the reality of abortion. Give students the opportunity to be exposed to it and start a conversation.

NOTE: These displays are currently only available to groups using the Campus Activist Model


NOTE: These displays are currently only available to groups using the Campus Activist Model



Veil of Tears Display


Large backdrop display that engages students in a healing space from the pains of abortion.

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Question Outreach Signs

Large question signs that easily start conversations about abortion.


Rose Memorial for Women & The Unborn


Rose Memorial for Women & The Unborn

With 500 total roses, this display is a vivid & somber visual reminder of the victims of abortion: both mother & child.

This display includes 500 roses, 2 large signs, and handouts.


This display is proven to be THE most effective way to change pro-choice hearts. Protect Life MI will lead this outreach, but will need you to bring the volunteers! 

of the Innocents

This eye opening and moving display will expose students to the heartbreaking 

number of lives lost to abortion each year.

of the Innocents


Giant Free Speech Beach Ball


A great way to spark curiosity & start conversations! The beach ball says, "I think abortion is..." and students can fill in the blank.

Giant Free Speech Beach Ball

4-Day Social Justice  Flyer Campaign

4-Day Social Justice  Flyer Campaign

A fun and creative way to spread the pro-life message through the focus of social justice.

This kit includes 50 of each flyer. One flyer is meant to be posted each day for 4 consecutive days.

4-Day Planned Parenthood  Flyer Campaign

4-Day Planned Parenthood  Flyer Campaign

A fun and creative way to spread the pro-life message by raising awareness about
Planned Parenthood.

This kit includes 50 of each flyer. One flyer is meant to be posted each day for 4 consecutive days.


4-Day Human Rights Flyer Campaign


4-Day Human Rights Flyer Campaign

A fun and creative way to spread the pro-life message through the focus of human rights.

This kit includes 50 of each flyer. One flyer is meant to be posted each day for 4 consecutive days.

Speaker events
Stump the Pro-Lifer

This event provides an excellent opportunity for both sides of the debate to be educated on how common objections are often answered. 

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*New: Stump the Pro-Lifer - OUTDOORS
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No advertising required!
Your speaker will simply engage in Q&A on speaker, allowing students who pass by to hear the pro-life message, stop to listen, and ask questions themselves. 

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"I used to be Pro-Choice"
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Draw in an audience to hear a story of change, including a presentation of the pro-life position and ample Q&A. This event is similar to Stump the Pro-Lifer. 

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