what is an endowment?
A gift to an endowment doesn't work quite the same as a normal gift. An endowment fund is an investment into the future. Money is invested (called the "principal"), which then creates interest. Then an organization can receive a portion of the investment each year, while the remainder is reinvested to continue to build up the fund.
Having an endowment means that an organization has a steady stream of support for years to come, which in our case, means we've got the funds to build a pro-life army in the Mitten. We'll be able to lead outreaches, train new students in apologetics, start new groups and grow existing ones, and much more.
Protect Life Michigan is proud to partner with the Catholic Foundation of Michigan to manage our endowment fund. Donors give to the fund through the Catholic Foundation and they, in turn, ensure it is only invested in life-affirming means.

how did it start?
A generous supporter activated this fund with a $40,000 donation. Our anonymous donor said,
"The gift of this endowment was made possible through the estates of my father and grandmother. In the midst of a long depressing season, including a miscarriage, other deaths in the family, health concerns, a drastic change in family circumstances, and professional setbacks, I recognized that a portion of the wealth in these estates should be used to help restore a vibrant culture of life. After all, my life began through an unplanned pregnancy in a college town, and the only reason I'm alive today is because of pro-life advocates."
This legacy has inspired them to make sure that the pro-life message is shared for decades to come!
Protect Life Michigan is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Donations to our organization are tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by law. While we welcome recommended designations, this contribution is made with the understanding that the donee organization has complete control over the use of the donated funds.
Staff members' names should not appear on your check or online donation, not even in the comments or on the memo line.
Protect Life Michigan is an independent organization, not affiliated with any other local, statewide, or national organization. That means 100% of your donation stays in Michigan and is used to serve students here in the mitten.
For questions about your transactions please contact us at 616-294-8348 and info@protectlifemi.org