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All human beings deserve protection from violence.

Today, 2,363 humans were killed by starvation, poisoning, and dismemberment.

what makes us deserving of human rights?

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Self Awareness

Newborns and infants lack self awareness, but they are still human, and they still deserve protection from lethal violence. 

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Newborns, toddlers, the elderly, people with disabilities, and conjoined twins lack independence, but they are still human, and they still deserve protection from lethal violence.

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Infants, toddlers, and people with memory loss lack memories, but they are still human, and they still deserve protection from lethal violence.

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Rational Thought

Newborns, infants, and people with severe mental disabilities lack a high degree of rational thought, but they are still human, and they still deserve protection from lethal violence.

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Bodily Function

Anyone less developed or weaker than a fully independent adult human lacks the bodily function most adults are accustomed to, but they are still human, and they still deserve protection from lethal violence.


We believe that in order to consistently and equally apply human rights, we cannot purposely exclude an entire group of humans based on their age, dependence, or other differences.

Every born human has differences, but they all deserve protection from violence.


Therefore, we MUST extend our idea of who gets human rights to include humans in the womb, too.

What do you think?

(This changed my perspective. I'm against abortion now.)

(I'd have to look into it more ...)

(I'm still for it.)

(I was always against it.)

get involved

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Bring a Protect Life speaker to encourage and equip your group in their pro-life activism

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Assist in strategic innovations while doing weekly outreach and learning from the best
pro-life leaders in the world

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Join a Group

Fight abortion by joining a local high school, college, or young professionals pro-life group

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Fight for human rights on the front lines in one of the most strategic pro-life organizations in the country

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Donations go directly towards spreading the pro-life message on high school and college campuses

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