Dear Mission Partners,
In 2014, when God called me to lead Protect Life Michigan (PLM), my goal was to build a strong organization that wasn’t dependent on me. I always planned to eventually step aside for a new leader. After nearly a decade of growth, I felt that transition was near. I have been seeking a successor, but nothing has felt quite right—until recently.
My husband, Trevor, has been deeply committed to PLM from the beginning. This organization transformed him from a pro-choice college student to a pro-life advocate. He’s gone on to speak at dozens of universities, develop software, lead campaigns, and mentor our team. Trevor even pioneered our most impactful project yet, Operation Zero. His dedication is extraordinary. I’ve been blessed to have him serve alongside me in this mission.
Trevor’s work on Operation Zero has gained national attention – and finally gained the attention of his wife (yes, I can be a little slow). As I prepared to step into a new role, I was shocked to find the ideal Executive Director candidate sitting across the dinner table from me.
The Board of Directors interviewed and vetted Trevor. They know he is respected, strategic, and proven. He has the leadership experience, vision, and heart to lead PLM into the future. For these reasons, we believe he’s uniquely qualified to take our organization to the next level. You can trust that Trevor will bring Protect Life Michigan to a level of impact that we’ve never seen before.
With the Board's unanimous support, Trevor has been hired as our new Executive Director!
Don’t worry - I am not going anywhere!
I am transitioning into a new role in growth & engagement – helping share our mission with more
people and build the network of support we need to save more lives. You'll still be hearing a lot
from me :) It might even feel like nothing has changed.
The Lord has done a mighty work in this transition. For some organizations, a leadership
change is high risk. But not for us. I have confidence that Protect Life Michigan will be immediately catapulted to new levels of impact under Trevor’s leadership.
As Trevor and I begin ministry together, we want to have your full trust. I encourage you to check out our new Supporter Trust page to learn about the checks and balances the Board has put in place for this new chapter. I'd also encourage you to read Trevor's bio here.
Finally, I want to personally thank you for the generous and unwavering support you've lent me as I've built this organization over the last 10 years. Doing this work alongside you has been one of the greatest honors of my life. My prayer is that the Lord blesses you immeasurably for all you've done and will continue to do for this cause.
Christen Polo
Former Executive Director
Current Director of Growth & Engagement
Protect Life Michigan

How You Can Help
We need you during this exciting transition! Most importantly, we want to ask you to please pray for Trevor and ask the Lord to bless his work. Prayer is foundational and our most important resource.
If you'd like to help launch Protect Life Michigan into this next chapter of growth, you can give to the organization's general fund or join Trevor's personal support team. On Trevor's support team, you'll hear monthly updates from Trevor personally.