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What we do

10 reaching 10,000
Our vision is to make abortion unthinkable by raising up a generation of professional and passionate student activists. We focus on campus outreach, on-campus support, and training and events to make that happen.

This past year, PLM continued to train a select group of aspiring students, young professionals, and alumni to lead outreach on their college campuses and in their home communities. This is how it went:
We held trainings to equip over 3,100 students with pro-life dialogue and outreach skills
We led over 1,956 hours of outreach across the state of Michigan
We reached over 1,340,000 people with the pro-life message
We changed 1,130 people's minds about abortion on the spot
our 2023 Reach
how our model works

We recruit students to create pro-life groups in their high schools & college campuses, and help them plan their semester activities.
Clubs can apply for funding through our Student Activity Fund and utilize our free outreach displays to reach at least 80% of their schools.

PLM Campus Activists mentor student leaders biweekly for the year to help develop their skills and join groups for meetings and campus-wide outreaches.
Protect Life Michigan holds multiple statewide training events for students to further learn advanced apologetics, network with other student groups, and learn from national pro-life leaders

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